










  • ~~~FeedTitle~~~  (The feed’s title)
  • ~~~FeedDescription~~~  (the feed’s description)
  • ~~~FeedContentEncoded~~~ (the feed’s description from optional ContentEncoded field)
  • ~~~FeedLink~~~  (the feed’s link)
  • ~~~FeedPubDate~~~  (the feed’s pub date/time in RSS format)
  • ~~~FeedPubLongDate~~~  (the feed’s date in a long date format)
  • ~~~FeedPubShortDate~~~ (the feed’s date in a short date format)
  • ~~~FeedPubLongTime~~~  (the feed’s time in a long time format)
  • ~~~FeedPubShortTime~~~  (the feed’s time in a short time format)
  • ~~~FeedCreativeCommons~~~ (the feed’s Creative Commons(R) License URL if one exists)
  • ~~~FeedImageUrl~~~  (the URL to the feed’s image)
    ~~~FeedImageTitle~~~  (the title for the feed’s image)
    ~~~FeedImageLink~~~  (the link associated with the feed’s image)
  • ~~~FeedMaxItems=X~~~ (the maximum number of items to appear on the webpage – replace ‘X’ with a number. The first ‘X’ number of items in the feed will be displayed. Using a negative number for ‘X’ will show the last ‘X’ items from a feed.
  • ~~~SortByPubDate~~~  (the items will be sorted by their PubDate, before they are displayed – newest first)
  • ~~~NoFutureItems~~~  (items with PubDates that are in the future won’t be displayed until that date/time arrives)
  • ~~~BeginItemsRecord~~~  (repeat everything between this and the end marker, for each item)
  • ~~~EndItemsRecord~~~  (repeat everything between this and the start marker, for each item)
  • ~~~BeginAlternateItemsRecord~~~  (separates the ItemsRecord into alternating halves)
  • ~~~ItemTitle~~~  (the item’s title)
  • ~~~ItemDescription~~~  (the item’s description)
  • ~~~ItemContentEncoded~~~ (the item’s description from optional ContentEncoded field)
  • ~~~ItemLink~~~  (the item’s link)
  • ~~~ItemPubDate~~~  (the item’s pub date/time in RSS format)
  • ~~~ItemPubLongDate~~~  (the items’s date in a long date format)
  • ~~~ItemPubShortDate~~~   (the item’s date in a short date format)
  • ~~~ItemPubLongTime~~~  (the item’s time in a long time format)
  • ~~~ItemPubShortTime~~~  (the item’s time in a short time format)
  • ~~~ItemEnclosureUrl~~~  (the item’s enclosure URL)
  • ~~~ItemEnclosureType~~~  (the item’s enclosure MIME type)
  • ~~~ItemEnclosureLength~~~  (the item’s enclosure Length)
  • ~~~ItemEnclosureLengthFormatted~~~  (the item’s enclosure Length formatted into Kilo, Mega or Giga Bytes)
  • ~~~ItemGuid~~~ (the item’s GUID field value)
  • ~~~ItemAuthor~~~ (the item’s author field value)
  • ~~~ItemComments~~~ (the item’s comments field value)
  • ~~~ItemSource~~~ (the item’s source field value)
  • ~~~ItemSourceUrl~~~ (the item’s source url attribute value)
  • ~~~ItemCategory~~~ (the first item’s category field value)
  • ~~~ItemCategoryDomain~~~ (the item’s first category domain attribute value)
  • ~~~ItemCreativeCommons~~~  (The Creative Commons(R) License URL of the item, or feed if there isn’t one on the item but there is on the feed)


ファイルはDownload RSS Softwareここから無料でダウンロード可能。